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Flash Call - API

Welcome to the future of seamless verification! Betatel’s Flash Call API empowers developers to integrate swift and secure phone number verification directly into their applications. Whether you're building a high-traffic login system or ensuring user authenticity for sensitive transactions, this API guarantees a smooth, reliable experience.


It all begins with the endpoint—a gateway to delivering trust.

Method: POST

This endpoint generates a flash call for verifying phone numbers by triggering a call with a unique caller ID.


Your ticket to authentication starts with the headers. Properly set headers are essential to ensure your request is authorized and understood.

Content-typeapplication/jsonSpecifies the format of your payload.
x-api-key{{x-api-key}}Your unique API key for secure access.
x-user-id{{x-user-id}}Your user identifier for added security and tracking.

Request Body

The payload is the heart of your request. Here’s where you define the essence of the flash call.

Example of body
"maxRingTime": 5
callTypestringYesSet as "flash" to specify this call type.
calleestringYesThe recipient’s phone number in international format.
callerstringYesThe verification code to send (visible as the caller ID during the flash call).
maxRingTimeintegerNoMaximum duration for the call to ring, in seconds (default: 5).

Code Snippets

Example - cURL
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-user-id: 675aed6103dee9ca55a36a9a' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: ••••••' \
--data '{
"maxRingTime": 5


Every journey ends with confirmation. Here’s what the API will return once your request is processed:

JSON Schema:

"uuid": "string"
  • uuid: A unique identifier to track the call and verify its status.


You're now equipped to implement the Flash Call API for secure and swift phone number verification. By leveraging the power of flash calls, you can deliver a seamless experience for your users, ensuring their numbers are verified in seconds.